5 responsibilities regarding the JWT as an API provider

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5 responsibilities regarding the JWT as an API provider

As a reminder, a JWT (JSON Web Token) is a way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object.

As an API provider, here are the actions to take on the received JWT:

  1. Validate the signature of the JWT (mandatory)
  2. Check if the scope necessary to use your API is present (mandatory). Your API may require more than one scope.
  3. Check if the JWT is not expired (mandatory)
  4. Validate the audience to make sure that you are the target of the JWT (optional but recommended)
  5. Validate the issuer to ensure that a trusted source issued the JWT (optional but recommended)

Modern programming frameworks - Spring Security (Java) - do some or all of these validations for you. Otherwise, you have to implement them manually.

Learn more JSON Web Tokens here .